Dean and Professor of School of Psychology

Hirohito M. Kondo, Ph.D.


Hirohito Kondo conducted research on the nature of working memory and attentional control while a PhD student. He obtained his PhD (Experimental Psychology) from Kyoto University in 2002 and spent one year as a post-doctoral fellow. His interest in conscious awareness has led him to investigate where and how meaningful perceptual objects are formed in the human brain. He took up a Research Scientist at NTT Communication Science Laboratories in 2003. He was also a Visiting Scholar, United Graduate School of Child Development, Osaka University from 2014 to 2016. He came to Chukyo University at Nagoya in 2017, where he is currently a Dean and Professor of the School of Psychology.

Research Interests

A major goal of his research is to understand the neural mechanisms that enable people to see and hear meaningful perceptual objects in ambiguous sensory inputs. He is also interested in temporal dynamics of attentional fluctuation because the reduction of attentional levels can cause mental distraction, cognitive errors, and even serious accidents. His particular focus concerns individual differences in perceptual organization and sustained attention. He combines various approaches to these aims, such as psychophysical, neuroimaging (fMRI/MRS), and genotyping methods.

Service to Scientific Community

Associate Editor Frontiers in Neuroscience
Frontiers in Psychology
Editorial Board Member Scientific Reports
Executive Board Member Japanese Psychonomic Society
Lead Guest Editor Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Special Issue on Sensing and feeling: an integrative approach to sensory processing and emotional experience, published in 2024
Special Issue on Auditory and visual scene analysis, published in 2017
Guest Editor Scientific Reports
Collection of Visual attention (open for submission)
Collection of Time perception, published in 2022
Organizer CNRS-NTT Joint Seminar 2016
Theme: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches towards Auditory Scene Analysis

Researcher / Part-Time Lecturer

Yuko Haga, Ph.D. Keywords: autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR), face perception
Ryo Kozawa, Ph.D. Keywords: visual attention

Research Assistant

Manami Ueda, M.A. Clinical psychologist

Graduate Students

Yohsuke Hasegawa Contract Staff at Field Research Center, School of Contemporary Sociology
Liu Ruoyu Keywords: autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR)
Mizuki Niijima Keywords: auditory perception
Daigo Hozaki Keywords: autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR)
Shoki Maeda Keywords: auditory illusion

Alumni and Former Members

Rikuto Suzuki Completion of his Master's degree in 2024
Shin-ya Tokuda Completion of his Master's degree in 2024
Jean-Michel Hupé Researcher at University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès and CNRS
Hao Tam Ho Postdoc Researcher at École normale supérieure (Ens)
Ryuju Hasegawa Completion of his Master's degree in 2022
Kanae Tada Completion of her Master's degree in 2022